Recap 2020-21
A recap of the inaugural 2020-21 YuQC year.
A recap of the inaugural 2020-21 YuQC year.
30+ active members across disciplines
Open Source Projects and Study Groups
Quantum Coalition (Hack) & Partnerships & Outreach
YuQC Invited Speaker Series
Social Hours
Yale undergrad Quantum Computing was founded in October of 2020 and, in our first year, we’ve done quite a lot. Let’s take a look back at our productive year!
As shown through data collected at our interest meeting, YuQC brought together students from across disciplines, school years, and experience levels. This diversity was fundamental to our success.
To become a member of YuQC, a student would have to commit to at least one initiative. Many of these initiatives took the form of study groups and open-source projects, including:
YuQC partnered with the Stanford QCA to organize the Quantum Coalition Hackathon, sponsored by IBM, Q-CTRL, Google, Microsoft, IonQ, qBraid, Xanadu, QFarm, YQI, and StrangeWorks.
This student-planned hackathon saw 1.4K participants from 80 countries, 200 project submissions, and 22 hours of workshops. Moreover, this event kickstarted the Quantum Coalition, a platform for collaboration between quantum computing clubs from across the world.
Beyond the Quantum Coalition, we also collaborated with several Yale clubs, including events with Yale Society of Physics Students and Yale Women in Physics, and high school outreach with TECHY from YHACK.
Consistent with our mission to make Quantum Computing accessible to undergraduates, we created an undergrad-accessible speaker series featuring talks by Prof. Steven Girvin, Prof. Liang Jiang, members of YuQC, Prof. Michel Devoret, Prof. Raymond Laflamme, and Dr. Zlatko Minev.
A large part of building the YuQC community was done during our social hours, which alternated with biweekly club meetings and explored everything from experimental quantum computing lab tours to quantum chess.
Throughout the year, we compiled a database of resources and maintained a weekly updated opportunities bulletin, among other resources found here.
None of this, however, could have been done without our talented and committed board, project leaders, mentors, and membership.
Huge thank you to you all!
Board 2020-21
Project Leaders 2020-21
Mentors 2020-21