Fall '23 Project Groups

Source: Ben McDonough
Project Leaders: Ben McDonough (Email) and Mason Abrell (Email)
Graduate Mentor: Katie Chang (Email)
Description: QBasics is an onramp to quantum computing that assumes zero background. Over the course of six weeks, a combination of mini-lectures and guided coding activities will introduce the basic concepts required to pursue further research in quantum computing, enroll in Physics 345 in the spring, or obtain the Qiskit developer certification.
Structure: Meetings will happen every week (excluding breaks) on Saturday at 4pm ET in YQI. The meetings will consist of a series of 15-minute mini-lectures followed by a 15-minute guided coding activity.
Quantum Error Correction
Project Leader: Brennan Lagasse (Email)
Description: Quantum computers have the exciting potential to solve a wide variety of complex and relevant problems, but they must first be accurate enough to complete these calculations. This group will explore why quantum computers are prone to errors and promising strategies for correcting these errors without interfering with calculations.
Structure: Every two weeks. Earlier meetings will teach members about the basics of quantum error correction and will transition towards discussions about new advances in error correction (including some at Yale).

Quantum Cryptography & Communication
Project Leaders: Mason Abrell (Email) and Jeb Cui (Email)
Description: Quantum Cryptography and Communication, the technical foundations upon which it relies, and the implications of its integration into existing communication infrastructure.
Structure: Every two weeks. Meetings are discussion-based, covering the readings for that week. Towards the end of the semester, we will discuss each member’s personal project.
Quantum Machine Learning
Project Leaders: Connor Totilas (Email) and Rome Thorstenson (Email)
Description: Collaboratively working through the TensorFlow Quantum(Link is external) tutorials. No experience is required but it may help.
Structure: Weekly/biweekly. 1 hour meetings with no required work outside meetings.
Project Leader: Eric Nguyen (eric.nguyen@yale.edu)
Description: QCBio’s goal is to explore the current foundations in the intersection of quantum computing and biology. Although still in its infancy, quantum computing and biology have much work being done in it, and we aim to create a database or manuscript detailing what is available and what limitations lie in the field.
Structure: We aim to have the meeting every 3 weeks, only lasting for around 1 hour. These meetings will be very journal-club-like in nature leading to a relaxed and studious atmosphere.
Quantum Cloud Architecture
Project Leader: Pranet Sharma (Email)
Mentor: Prof. Jakub Szefer (Email)
Description: As quantum computers expand in scope, so does cloud access to the computers. The nuanced architecture of this cloud includes specified infrastructure designed by Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to maximize their operation. In this group, we study and design cloud architecture to improve quantum computers and discuss methods of security to prevent external cloud attacks from malicious users.
Structure: 30-minute weekly meetings, lectures + workshops